Only a few years ago, e-journalism was the title of a new era of journalistic work. Journalism has since developed from a single mode or interface to platforms with a multiplicity of interfaces, tools, and modes. However, relative to traditional journalism, e-journalism differentiates itself by the speed, ease, and exactitude of its interactivity, and the role that this interactivity plays in creating, spreading, and nourishing journalistic material.

With the introduction of digital media, interactivity has broadened into areas of teaching, education, and opinion-making for the first time in history. The widespread use of social networking sites has made possible previously unimagined levels of connectivity, as well as opportunities for educational and informational cross-pollination.

From the outset, Al Jazeera both preached and practiced interactivity. We have applied it to various sites before adding the distance-learning Arabic language programmes which have attained an unprecedented interactive response.

In collaboration with Qatar Center for Computing, we have also begun to experiment with  on-screen voice-to-text automation as well as instantaneous translation. 

We wanted to ensure that these experiments are carried out with the expertise and under supervision of specialists, researchers, and digital activists.


  • Al-Haibah Ould Cheikh Saidati (Executive Director of the Independent News Agency,Mauritania.
  • Muhammad al-Tikriti (CEO, Prospects for Media and Information Services LLC, Qatar.