Professor of Political Science specialising in Political Theory and Islamic Political Thought
He earned a PhD in political philosophy in 1987 from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University. Abdelfattah served as the Director of the Dialogue of Civilizations Program in 2005, the Vice President of the Center for Political Research and Studies in 2006 and the Deputy Director of the Center for Civilizational Studies and Cross-Cultural Dialogue from 1997 to the present. He was also an academic advisor for the International Institute for Islamic Thought and member of the board of the Access to Knowledge for Development Center in Cairo. In addition, he was member of the editing and advisory board of Contemporary Muslim. He is a member of the faculty of the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences in Virginia, and has authored many books including, The Constituent Model and Constitutive Human Rights: An Islamic Vision and The Tradition of International Relations in Islam.